“Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs” in Cinemas from February 1, 2019
The family film “Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs” by Edmunds Jansons is a captivating summer adventure story about an unusual friendship between two kids and talking dogs who believe in miracles and are not afraid to take risks. Jacob lives in the city and dreams of becoming an architect like his busy dad. He […]
‘Night Walks’ by Lizete Upite world premiere in Turku Animated Film Festival
Today at Turku Animated Film festival the debut film “Night Walks” by Lizete Upite has its world premiere. Tonight, Anna and her dad have decided to walk home through the forest. Anna takes a torch and dad lights it up for her. The silent forest is as enchanting, as it is scary and the bright […]
Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness are conquering the world
Animation short Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplesness is slowly, but surely conquering the world. In December animation film was aired on television in six different countries – France, Iceland, Sweden, Estonia, Finland and Latvia. Since November the film is airing in France and it can be viewed in 401 movie theatres all over the country. At […]
First Awards for Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness
Atom Art latest work – short animation film for children “Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness” by Edmunds Jansons won its first international award at Fredrikstad Animation Festival 2017, Norway. “Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness” brought home Golden Gunnar for Best Children`s film. And also this week Lielais Kristaps National Film Festival in Latvia announced awarded films. Our […]
Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness by Edmunds Jansons world premiere in Chicago International Children’s Film Festival
“Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness” by Edmunds Jansons will have its world premiere in 5th of November at Chicago International Children’s Film Festival. The premiere of the animated film “Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness” took place during the Riga International Film Festival this September. The 25-minute long film is a story of a little girl Pigtail, her […]
Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs
We are happy to announce that our animated feature film “Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs”, that is now in production and will be released in October of 2018 have received funding from Polish Film Institute. The animation film is co-production between Atom Art (Latvia) and Letko Spólka z o.o. (Poland) and is listed in […]
Jauno Lupatiņu filmu, CD diska un grāmatas atklāšana
2016. gada 12. decembrī plkst. 12:00 Kalnciema ielas kvartālā notika Lupatiņu DVD, LuPantiņu CD un grāmatu “Lupatiņu rīts” atvēršanas svētki. Pasākumā Kaķis jeb Kaspars Znotiņš lasīja stāstus no jaunās grāmatas, Jēkabs Nīmanis ar draugiem dziedāja LuPantiņu dziesmas un uz lielā ekrāna tika rādītas dažas no jaunajām Lupatiņu filmām. Pēc tam radošajā darbnīcā ar Ūnu Laukmani […]
Filmu cikla “Lupatiņi” jauno filmu pirmizrāde 17. oktobrī
17. oktobrī plkst. 12.00 un 18. oktobrī plkst. 11.00 Rīgas Starptautiskā Filmu Festivāla (Riga IFF) Bērnu nedēļas nogales ietvaros kinoteātrī “Splendid Palace” tiks demonstrētas bērnu animācijas filmu cikla “Lupatiņi” jaunākās īsfilmas, kuru veidošanā piedalījusies dzejniece Inese Zandere, režisors Edmunds Jansons un mākslinieks Reinis Pētersons. “Ikdienišķi priekšmeti – zeķes, pogas, cimdiņi – ir lieliskas rotaļlietas, un […]
Two award-winning animation shorts by Edmunds Jansons released on Vimeo
Atom Art studio in the end of April releases two more of their original animation films on Vimeo – “Choir Tour” and “International Father’s Day”. “Choir Tour” and “International Father’s Day” are both directed by Edmunds Jansons, Atom Art co-founder, award-winning animation director and designer, as well as recognized children’s book illustrator. Both films share […]
Special Prize for Isle of Seals by Edmunds Jansons in Sommets du cinéma d’animation
Isle of Seals by Edmunds Jansons has been awarded with juries special prize at Sommets du cinéma d’animation in Quebec, Canada. The jury decided to give the special prize to the ‘Isle of Seals’ for the economy of means and colors, the design of human forms and animation of the sea, for originality and the […]
The Best Student Film Award for IMG_00:01.JPG in Fredrikstad Film Festival
Zane Oborenko for her film “IMG_00:01.JPG” got The Best Nordic and Baltic Student Film Award in Fredrikstad Film Festival 2014! “The film we felt the most. This film gives us a poetic feeling through wonderful movement done with sand” wrote the jury. IMG_00:01.JPG is Zanes graduation film of Estonian Academy of Arts Animation Master programme. […]
Choir Tour nominated for 5 “Lielais Kristaps”
Choir Tour by Edmunds Jansons have been nominated for Latvian National Film Festival The Great Christopher – 2014. The film has been nominated in five different categories: The Best Animation Film, The Best Animation Film Director (Edmunds Jansons), The Best Animation Film Artist (Edmunds Jansons), The Best Music Composer (Ģirts Bišs) and The Best Sound […]
Graduation Film Award for International Father’s Day at 21st KROK
International Father’s Day by Edmunds Jansons was awarded in the 21st International Animated Film Festival KROK. International jury gave to the film diploma for «FOR THE PLOT WITHOUT HOLES»! Jury was made of Gil Alkabetz (Germany, Israel) – president, Dmitriy Vysotskiy (Russia), Mauro Carraro (Switzerland), Anatoly Lavrenishyn (Ukraine) and Vladimir Leschiov (Latvia). International Animated Film […]
Best Student’s Film Award for International Father’s Day at 10th Varna, Bulgaria
International Father’s Day by Edmunds Jansons have got the Best Student’s Film Award at 10th World Festival of Animated Film Varna in Bulgaria. Jury about International Father’s Day said: “The film was selected for its great visual design of characters, visually stunning and clean style and very fine humor.” The First World Animated Film Festival […]
Renzo Kinoshita Prize for Choir Tour at HIROSHIMA’ 14
Edmunds Jansons’ film Choir Tour got Renzo Kinoshita Proze for his film Choir Tour at 15th International Animation Festival in Japan – HIROSHIMA 2014. “New and sophisticated graphics and a fresh sound are impressive. The elements, not only cute characters and humor but also the entertainment deserve this prize,” says Joško Marušić, Chairperson of the […]
Best Animation Award for Choir Tour at IN THE PALACE 2014
Special Mention for Choir Tour at Fest Anča 2014
Peter Badač Personal Special Mention on June 22 was given to Edmunds Jansons film “Choir Tour” at International Animation Festival Fest Anča in Žilina, Slovakia. “Fest Anča” is an international animation film festival for adults and kids. Its purpose is to show contemporary, progressive animated films to commemorate the best of the genre’s history. The […]
Special Award from Edo Lukman for Choir Tour at Animafest Zagreb 2014
Special Award for Choir Tour!/ Kora Turneja saņem Žūrijas specbalvu Zagrebā. Urā! We are very happy that Choir Tour received Jury’s Special Award at the discretion of the jury Edo Lukman!! The World Festival of Animated Film in Zagreb is traditionally the second oldest festival in Europe. In the course of its thirty-year-old history it […]
4. maija Latvijas filmu maratonā Atom Art filmu pirmizrādes
4. maijā Latvijas Filmu maratons ietvaros “Splendid Palace” Lielajā zālē paredzētas vairākas mūsu filmu pirmizrādes: 11:00 Animācijas filmu programmā bērniem būs iespējams noskatīties gan pirmo reizi Latvijā uz lielā ekrāna izrādīto “Kā Lupatiņi precējās”, gan jau pazīstamās Lupatiņu īsfilmas “Kā Luaptiņi uzminēja” un “Kā Lupatiņi šūpojās”. 18:00 Īsfilmu programmā būs iespēja noskatīties Edmunds Jansons jaunāko […]
Zane Oborenko gets the Best Animation BOB Student Film Award for IMG_00:01.JPG
On April 5 Zane Oborenko won BOB Student Film Award for Best Animated short film, in the annual “Best of BFM” Student Film Festival, for her graduation film “IMG_00:01.JPG”. The awards were handed out during the “Best of BFM” Student Film Festival end ceremony. “Best of BFM” is an annual student film festival, which brings […]
Honorable Mention at MONSTRA 2014 for Choir Tour
Edmunds Jansons’ film Choir Tour has won a Jury Honorable Mention at MONSTRA 2014 Short Film Competition. The Jury was composed by André Letria, Anna Ida Orosz, JohnChill Lee, Chiara Magri.
The Isle of Seals
The opening of the Grand Prix winner of the 15th Tallinn Print Triennial Edmunds Jansons’s exhibition “The Isle of Seals” will be at the Tallinn City Gallery, Harju 13 on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00pm.